Adult Bible Study: Bible Women Lesson 8

Adult Bible Study: Bible Women Lesson 8

SARAH –Part 5

Learn: Hebrews 4:12, 13

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.

Read: Genesis 18:1-33

1. According to verse 1, who came to visit Abraham and Sarah?

2. In Genesis 17:1-3, when the LORD appeared to Abraham, we see that his response to God was different than at the visit in chapter 18 verses 1and 2. What was the difference?

3. Use verse 2 to describe the difference in the LORD’S appearance from the previous encounter that Abraham had with the LORD.

Why does the LORD’S different way of presenting himself elicit a different response from men? Philippians 2:7 vs Isaiah 6:1-5 and Revelation 1:13-17

4. What actions and words of Abraham indicate that though he was being hospitable, he recognized that this was a special visit? vv 3-5

5. As Abraham was in the process of caring for his guests, they questioned him. What did they ask? v 9a
What was Abraham’s answer? v 9b

6. Who is addressing Abraham in verse 10a? Using this verse, prove your answer.

7. Though Sarah was not sitting with the guests, what was she doing? v 10

8. HOW did Sarah respond to the promise that she would have a son of her own, and WHY? vv 10 -12
9. What was Sarah thinking in her heart? vv 11, 12

10. Sarah was guilty of unbelief of what the LORD had promised. Use the description of her reasoning in verses 10-12 to explain the reason for this unbelief.

11. What 3 statements did the LORD make to rebuke Sarah’s unbelief? vv 13, 14

12. As Sarah’s body was no longer physically able to have a child, what miracle would the LORD need to do in order for her to become the actual, physical mother of the son of promise?

13. What characteristic of the LORD is clearly seen in verse 13? Hebrews 4:12, 13

14. Did Sarah’s unbelief matter to God? Explain your answer using Hebrews 11:6.

15. People in the world often speak of faith, but what they call faith is not what God calls faith. Define the faith that pleases God using Hebrews 11:1-10.

How was faith worked out in the lives of the God’s people in theses verses?

16. We see then that faith in God is evidenced by _________________________.
17. Clearly, Sarah’s faith needed to be strengthened. How would the LORD’s answer to Sarah’s very thoughts increase her faith?

18. When Sarah was confronted with her unbelief by the LORD, HOW did she respond and WHY? v 15a

19. Did the LORD allow Sarah’s lie to go unanswered? v 15b

20. What changed in Sarah’s life, after the Lord confronted her disbelief? Hebrews 11:11

21. From Hebrews 11:13-16, we see that Sarah’s faith went beyond this life and trusting God to give her the son that he had promised. What else did Sarah trust God to do?

22. What from this incident in Sarah’s life do you find to be of practical value for you in living your life for the Lord?

23. After the LORD had delivered his message to Sarah and Abraham concerning the specific time when their son of promise would be born, the men rose up to go on their way. Where were the men going? v 16

24. Why did the LORD share with Abraham the things that he was about to do? vv 17-19

25. Read Genesis 18:20-33, and summarize very briefly what God was going to do, and Abraham’s response to God.