Adult Bible Study: Bible Women Lesson 21

Adult Bible Study: Bible Women Lesson 21


Learn:II Timothy 2:15

Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of God.

Read: Genesis 31:17-55

1. The decision to leave Padan-Aram was made by Jacob and his wives, but who directed this move? Genesis 31:13 

2. What is specially pointed out about Rachel in verse 19?

3. What does what Rachel did tell us about her?

NOTE: The images (literally “teraphim” or small idol figurines used in divination and as household deities supposed to bring good luck to the owner). Their use frequently cropped up in later Israelite history, but was definitely idolatrous and contrary to the true faith of Yahweh. It has also been noted that Laban had become an idolater, though he did know about the true God in a general way, and Rachel seems to have been influenced somewhat by her father in this regard. Though she trusted in Jacob’s God, she was also reluctant to completely give up her previous superstition.   THE GENESIS RECORD Dr. Henry Morris p 482

4. What was the manner in which Jacob left Padan-Aram? vv 20, 21 

5. How long did it take Laban to find out that Jacob and his family and possessions were gone? v 22

6. Did Laban accept Jacob’s decision to leave him? v 23                 Explain.

NOTE: Laban had no intention of letting Jacob have the flocks that he had rightfully acquired. He and his sons pushed hard and covered the entire 300 miles in only seven days, an indication of fast, hard traveling. Once they had overtaken Jacob’s caravan, Laban and sons rested for the night in preparation for what they planned to do the next day.  THE GENESIS RECORD   DR. Henry Morris   p 484

7. How did the LORD prepare the meeting of Laban and Jacob and so protect Jacob from Laban? v 24

8. Where was Jacob when Laban overtook him? v 25

9. What were Laban’s accusations of wrongdoing against Jacob when he confronted him?  vv 26- 28, 30

10. Though Laban’s speech of concern for his family may have sounded sweet and loving, how do we know that in fact it was hypocritical and that his intentions had been evil rather than good? v 24

11. WHAT was Laban’s threat to Jacob, and WHY did he not carry it out? v 29a

12. Though Laban well knew that Jacob worshipped only the God of his father’s, the God of Abraham, and Isaac, what accusation did Laban make against Jacob in verse 30?

13. Jacob had been serving Laban for 20 years. During that time Jacob had been tricked and ill treated. He knew Laban’s character very well. Was the answer he gave to Laban for leaving stealthily exaggerated or justified? v 31   Review Genesis 29:15-31:16 if necessary.

14. To what accusation of Laban’s did Jacob plead innocent, and why? v 32

15. What does the fact that Rachel had stolen the idols tell us about her relationship both to her father and to the LORD?

16. What does the fact the Jacob did not even suspect that any one in his camp would have wanted or have stolen idols, even to the point of making a drastic penalty for the punishment of a thief, tell us about Jacob’s example, teaching, and expectation for his entire family unit?  The penalty is given in verse 32.

17. Where did Laban begin his search for the missing idols? v 33

18. Though Laban searched the camp carefully, how was Rachel able to keep the idols hidden and so avoid punishment for her theft?  vv 34-35

19. Once the search was complete and no idols were found, Jacob, still of course completely unsuspecting that Rachel had the images, was angry for Laban’s continued evil treatment. What did he say in rebuke of Laban?   vv 36, 37a, 38-41

20. Who did Jacob call as judges between himself and Laban?  v 37b

22. What phrase in verse 38, exemplifies Jacob’s complete honesty and godly character?

NOTE: It was customary that, when a shepherd brought a torn animal to his master, this was regarded as evidence that he had defended the sheep and had driven the beast away, that he had done all he could to save it, under these circumstances, the master bore the loss, rather than the shepherd. Jacob, however, had borne all the losses himself, evidently by replacing lost animals from Laban’s flocks with animals from his own flocks.   THE GENESIS RECORD  Dr. Henry Morris  p 488

23. What phrase in verse 40 shows Jacob’s faithful and hard working character?

24. To whom did Jacob give the credit for his having both a family and possessions in spite of all that Laban had done and tried to do against Jacob? v 42

25. Did Laban except his guilt and responsibility for wrongdoing?  v 43             Explain.

26. After the accusations against Jacob, and searches by Laban, and then Jacob’s defense against those accusations and his rebuke of Laban for his evil doings to Jacob, What did Laban propose in order to change the topic and divert the guilt away from himself?  vv 44-49

27. What, about Laban’s warning to Jacob seems strange, considering his treatment of Jacob for 21 years?  See verses 48-50, especially verse 50.

28. Considering that Laban was an ungodly and evil man, does it seem appropriate for us as believers to invoke what is called the “Mizpeh Benediction” of verse 49 as a blessing?                  Explain.

29. What practical lesson should we learn about how we appropriate Scripture for our lives from people’s misuse of this phrase in verse 49 (which was never intended by Laban for blessing, but was rather a suspicious statement on the part of Laban)?

30. What did the heap of stones that Laban and Jacob made signify to Laban?  vv 51, 52

31. What did Laban say was the surety, or the guarantee that the covenant made on that day between Jacob and Laban would not be broken? v 53


32. What did Jacob do to ratify the treaty that the two men made? v 54


33. How did the two men separate?  v 55