Adult Bible Study: Bible Women Lesson 33

Adult Bible Study: Bible Women Lesson 33


Learn: Ephesians 2:8, 9

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is a gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. 

For background to this lesson read Deuteronomy 34 and Joshua 1.

Read: Joshua 2:1-24

Read Numbers 22, 23, 24, 31:16 for background of the events of our lesson.

1.Rahab was a Canaanite woman, one who had been taught to worship false gods. How did she become part of the account of the nation of Israel’s entering into their Promised Land?   v 1

2. The king of Jericho and his people were on alert, for they knew that the Israelites had come to possess their land. What did one of the king’s servants report to him?  vv 2, 3

3. Rahab was well aware that the Israelite men would be hunted by the king of Jericho, so in spite of the danger to herself, she made preparation for their protection before the king’s men arrived in search of them. What did she do?    vv 4a, 6

4. What did Rahab tell the king’s men when they came to her door in search of the men of Israel who they knew had come into her house?   v 4b

5. What diversion did Rahab create in order to put the king’s men off from continuing to search for the spies in the city of Jericho?  v 5

6. Did the king’s men believe Rahab’s account? Explain.  v 7

7. Once Rahab knew that the two men of Israel were safe from the king’s men, she returned to the roof of her house to communicate with her guests. What did Rahab tell the two spies that she knew to be the truth?  v 9a                                                            

8. What did Rahab state to be the condition of the inhabitants of the land of Canaan because of the fact that the LORD had given Israel their land?   v  9b                                                 

9.  What 2 examples of the power of God did Rahab give as reasons which caused the inhabitants of Canaan to be in such a state of fear?    v 10

10.  Rahab understood that the people of Canaan would not be able to overcome Israel. Why?   v 11a   

11. What was the reason that Rahab gave to the two spies for her certainty that Israel would possess Canaan as God had proclaimed?    11b

12. Using the beginning of Rahab’s speech found in v 9a and the end of this part of her speech as recorded in v 11b, what conclusion can you make as concerning her choice of who she had come to believe in?

13. Who was the surety or pledge of the promise that Rahab wished from the two spies?  v 12a  Why is that surety important both from the standpoint of those that gave it and from her who received it?

14. Why was Rahab able to ask for this mercy from her former enemies?  v 12b

15. What did Rahab ask of the two spies?  vv 12c, 13

16. If Rahab kept the visit of the spies and their business secret, how far would they go to protect her?   v 14a

17. What was their pledge to Rahab?   v 14b

18. How did Rahab help the spies to escape the city without detection by the people of Jericho?  v 15

19. What wise counsel did she give them to assure that they would arrive safely back at their camp? v 16 

20. The men gave Rahab instruction as to how the protection of herself and her family should be carried out. What was their instruction?  vv 17-19a

21. What responsibility did the spies take for the family of Rahab when the coming invasion took place? v 19b

22. What action on Rahab’s part would break the oath that the two men had made to Rahab?   v 20

23. Rahab agreed to the conditions that the two men outlined. What action on her part (which could have been very dangerous for her) proved that Rahab believed in God and that she was committed to the nation of Israel and their God?  v 21b

Reading Joshua 3, 4, 5 will give background to the fall of Jericho.

Read: Joshua 6:1-27, especially note verses 16-27.

24. How complete was the defeat and destruction of the city of Jericho? vv20, 21

25. Before the people of Israel made their final trip around the city of Jericho, what did Joshua tell them all concerning Rahab?  v 17

26. What was Joshua’s command to the two men that Rahab had protected?  v 22

27. We see from verses 17, and 22 that Joshua made it very clear to all the people that the promise made to Rahab was to be kept. Joshua’s command to his men to keep their promise to Rahab was based on the character of the God that they served. In studying God’s Word we learn that God commands that a promise that is made is to be kept, for God is a covenant keeping God. Use the following Scripture to illustrate this character trait of our God.    Titus 1:2, Hebrews 6:17, 18; Numbers 23:19

28. Based on the Scriptures listed in question 25 that describe God’s own character, how did Joshua’s dealings with Rahab reflect to all the people that he was a man of God?  Use I Peter 1:14-16 as a reference to help explain your answer.

29. How did the two young men fulfill their promise to Rahab?  v 23

30. What part did Rahab play in the saving of her family?   Joshua 2:18; 6:23

31. Was the saving of Rahab and her family just a temporary rescue from immediate danger, or was it permanent change in their lives?  Explain. v 25

32. According to Matthew 1:5, who did Rahab marry?  What was the name of her son?                                                                                                                                          Who is her famous great-great-grandson?  Matthew 1:5, 6     According to Matthew 1:1, this genealogy is that of our Saviour Jesus Christ. What special place does Rahab have in history?

33. What made Rahab so different from all the rest of the people of her city?  Hebrews 11:31

34. What did Rahab declare to be the object of her faith? Joshua 2:11 b

35. How did Rahab demonstrate the faith that she had in God?   James 2:25, 26

36. If there is no demonstration of the faith that we say we have in God by the way that we live, what should be the obvious conclusion?  Read James 2: 19-26 and write a one sentence summary.

37. Explain how Ephesians 2:8, 9 James 2:19-23 complement each other.