Genesis 50:15, Exodus 1:22, A Different Kind of Pharaoh
Exodus 2:10-15, Wise or Foolish?
Exodus 2:15-3:22, My Name is That I AM
Exodus 5:1-7, I Remember My Promise
Exodus 8:1-32, Frogs, Lice and Flies
Exodus 9, Pestilence, Boils and Hail
Exodus 10:1-19, Locusts and Darkness
Exodus 11 and 12, Night of Death (I Will Pass Over You)
Exodus 12:37-15:21, A Path in the Sea
Exodus 15:22-16:36 Complainers
Exodus 18 Too Much Work for One
Exodus 32:11-35 Who is on the Lord’s Side?