Adult Bible Study: Bible Women Lesson 22

Adult Bible Study: Bible Women Lesson 22


Learn: Proverbs 16:7

When a man’s ways please the LORD, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him.

Read: Genesis 32:1-32

NOTE: Though Rachel and Leah are seldom mentioned in this passage, we can be assured that they were very interested and involved in it. It is obvious throughout these verses that Jacob’s primary concern was for them and their children.

1.Following Jacob and his family’s final separation from Laban, Jacob went on his way. Who met him?  v 1

2. The Bible tells us that angels encamp round those that fear God, but we do not see them. What was different in this case with Jacob? v 2

3. We know that Jacob had left Canaan not only to find a godly wife, but also because of his brother Esau’s threat to kill him. As far as Jacob knew there had been no change in Esau’s intentions toward him. What does Jacob’s calling of the angels “God’s host” indicate that Jacob understood about the angels appearance to him?  v 2

NOTE: Jacob named that place where the angels of God met him Mahanaim which means “double camp.”

4. Though Jacob had God’s promise of protection and he knew that the angels of God were with him, he still struggled with fear of his brother Esau. Give a brief outline of each set of verses to show 4 things  that Jacob did to prepare for his meeting with Esau?   

vv 3-5  

vv 7-8  

vv 9-12     

vv 13, 16-18   

5. Jacob’s prayer gives us an example of how to pray to the Lord in our time of need. In verse 9 Jacob listed three things that clearly indicated who he was praying to: You are the “God of _____ ____________ __________________”, and the “God of ____ ______________ ________________”. These two names indicate Jacob’s parent’s relationship to God. The third designation of the LORD by Jacob in which he said “the LORD which saidst to me, Return and I will be with thee” indicates that Jacob had his own __________________ relationship with God. 

In verse 10, Jacob humbly acknowledges that he is_________________ of all God’s _____________  

towards himself, and of the ____________that God has showed him. Jacob ____________God for what he has done for Jacob in the past.  

In verse 11, Jacob makes his __________________to the LORD, and __________________his fears.

In verse 12, Jacob ends his prayer by ___________________God of his past ________________to Jacob.

6. Using Jacob’s prayer as a model, list important elements that should be part of our prayers to the LORD.

7. After sending his family across the brook in preparation for the next day, give a summary of what occurred in the life of Jacob?  vv 24-29

8. Using verse 30, identify the “man” that Jacob wrestled with that night?

9. According to Hosea 12:2-5 ( especially verse 4), and verses 24-26 of Genesis 32, the meaning of the word “wrestling” was of two levels, what were the two aspects of Jacob’s night alone with God? 

10. What did the LORD specifically do for Jacob on that night of “wrestling”? vv 28, 29b, 30b

11. What did Jacob always have to remind him of that night when he had wrestled with God?
vv 25, 31, 32b

12. What did Jacob name the place to commemorate his encounter with God and why?
v 30
Read: Genesis 33:1-20

13. Jacob had spent the night with the LORD pleading for his protection and help. The LORD had assured Jacob of his blessing. How did Jacob prepare his family for the meeting with his brother Esau? vv 1, 2

14. How did Jacob show humility and honor to Esau as they meet after all the years of separation? v 3

15. What in Esau’s behavior towards Jacob signaled that God had worked in his heart so that Esau no longer hated his brother Jacob neither desired to kill him?
See verses 4- 16, especially verses 4, 9, 11, 12, 15, 16. 

16.  We know how anger, hatred, and malice will grow in a person’s heart. In most cases such feelings are not diminished with time, but instead grow in intensity. Such a change of heart is not possible except by the power of God. There is no indication that Esau ever truly followed the LORD, for the LORD calls him a profane man, so this change is truly miraculous. What does the Scripture say on this matter?  Proverbs 16:7

17. What were the ways in Jacob’s life in which he pleased the LORD?  Review Genesis 31-32 for the answer.

18. How did Jacob introduce the members of his family to his brother Esau?  vv 6-7

19. Rachel and Leah had of course been told by their husband of Esau’s hatred for Jacob and past vow to kill him. They too would have been understandably frightened by the upcoming meeting with Esau. Use the text to give specific ways by which Jacob’s demeanor and action give comfort and hope to his family through this uncertain time?

20. How did Jacob’s care for his wives and children exemplify Ephesians 5:23, 25, 28, 29?