Study @ Home: Colossians Lesson 8

Study @ Home: Colossians Lesson 8


Thus saith the LORD, let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches: But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the LORD which exercise lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith the LORD.

Jeremiah 9:23, 24

Read: Colossians 2:1-23

1. Looking back over this chapter, list the 5 warnings that are given to these Christians, and to us.

2. What teachings were the Colossians in danger of being beguiled with? v 18a

3. What would the Colossians loose if they were beguiled away from the truth? v 18a

4. What are some of the parts of that “reward” that they might loose?
Colossians 1:5a

Colossians 3:15a

Philippians 3:14

Galatians 5:7; I Corinthians 9:24

II Corinthians 4:7

James 1:12

I Peter 5:4

Revelation 3:11; Revelation 2:10

5. Considering what we have learned from the Scriptures of question 4, explain why the warning to avoid being beguiled into error is so critical.

6. The false teaching spoken of in verse 18 is called mysticism. Using the example given in verse 18 and a dictionary give a definition to the word “mysticism.”

7. Our culture today is very entangled in mysticism, because we have strayed far from the truth of God’s word. Give some examples of how people are beguiled by this mysticism in the culture at large and possibly even in what are considered Bible believing churches.

8. Making the Colossians “feel” that purely Christian worship was insufficient, what actions on his part did the false teacher use to try to impress the Colossians so that they would follow his teaching? v 18b

9. Consider the Emergent Movement that is coming into the church today. It includes such things as using candles, incense, icons, labyrinths, contemplative prayer etc. so that a person can “feel the presence” of God and so “experience God.” These teachers admonish that if you do not participate in these activities you are spiritually inferior. However, none of these things that such teachers are promoting are taught to us in the
Scripture ( but they are taught as techniques and used in false religions throughout the
world). What direction from the Lord concerning these things do we need to take heed of? vv 18, 19a

10. People who base their belief on experience can easily be led astray. What does the
Bible teach is that standard by which we are to measure what to believe?

Psalm 138:2c

Psalm 119:105

Psalm 119:130

Jeremiah 15:16

11. In contrast to seeking God’s Word we have mysticism, a belief which is based on
experience and feeling and is emotional. Mysticism is not reasonable. What does the
Lord want us to do?

Isaiah 1:18

Proverbs 23:23

Psalm 119:130, 131

Proverbs 2:10-12

Jeremiah 9:23, 24

12. Mysticism says forget about words. It teaches that words are not enough and can even
be a detriment in our relationship with God . Mysticism leads people away from the
truth of God’s Word and causes them to rely on self. What does God’s Word say
to us about trusting in our own thinking and feelings?

Proverbs 3:5, 6

Jeremiah 17:9

13. What are 3 characteristics of this false teacher? vv 18c, 19a

14. How did the false teacher and any one who follows in his path get into this situation? v 19a

15. How can we “hold the Head”? Or how does Colossians 1:15-20 remind us about WHO is most important and why?

16. What is another name for the Head, who is Jesus Christ? John 1:1-3

17. What will “holding the Head” provide for His body, the church (which is made up of individual believers, you and I) ? v 19b, c

18. Some teachers would try to make a Christian follow rules which are not in God’s
Word. What are we told to remember in verse 20a?

19. Since we are dead to the regulations of the world, it is inconsistent for a Christian to be under its rules (ordinances) of men, such as? v 21

For practical understanding, can you give example of some who call themselves Christian, who follow such rules?

20. What will happen with such regulations that supposedly bring a person closer to God?v 22

21. Such regulations focus on the external, instead of the internal person. They focus on the temporal (the hear and now), rather than the eternal. It becomes a system of seeking God’s blessing through human merit or works, instead of trusting God’s GRACE. It is based on the commandments and doctrines of men rather than on God’s
Word. What do we need to understand about following manmade rules that it is claimed will benefit spiritual life? v 23

Mark 7:15-23, esp verse 15,21-23

Romans 14:17

I Corinthians 8:8

22. According to I Timothy 4:1-5, where do teachings to deny oneself in order to obtain
God’s blessing come from?

23. What practical help can you take away form this lesson?