SARAI – Part 2
Learn: Proverbs 3:5, 6
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Read: Genesis 12:1-20
1. When Abram and Sarai left Ur of the Chaldees, they only went as far as Haran. Use a Bible map to see where they had traveled. How long did they stay in Haran before they left for Canaan? Genesis 11:31, 32
2. Abram left most of the family behind in Haran as God commanded. Who made the trip to Canaan with Abram? Genesis 12:4, 5
3. What stops did Abram and Sarai make as they traveled into Canaan? vv 6-9
4. What caused Abram and Sarai to leave the land the LORD had called them to go to, and then go down into Egypt? v 10
5. As they neared Egypt, Abram began to be afraid. Why? vv 11, 12
NOTE: Abram’s fear was well founded, for the Egyptians respected marriage, so they would have been compelled to kill Abram before taking his wife into Pharaoh’s harem.
6. What was Abram’s solution to his dilemma? v 13
7. Going to Genesis 20:12, what do we learn as regards to Sarai being Abram’s sister?
8. People will often speak of telling a white lie, or a half truth. If one uses a partial truth in order to deceive, is that the truth or a lie? Who is the father of all lies? John 8:44
Why is lying a serious offence against God? Psalm 119:160
Deuteronomy 32:4
John 14:16-17
9. Though Abram was a man of God, called by God, he was still prone to sin against God, as all his children are. What was Abram’s sin in requesting Sarai to tell the Egyptians that she was his brother? Colossians 3:9; Zechariah 8:16
Proverbs 3:5, 6
10. What happened to Sarai, when the Egyptians saw that she was beautiful? vv 14, 15
11. Going back to Genesis 12:2, we see that the LORD had promised to make a great nation of Abram, that would mean Abram would have descendants. Sarai was Abram’s wife, and it would be through her that these promised descendants and the blessing on the nation that they would become, would be born. What impossible situation had Abram caused by asking his wife to say she was his sister, rather than telling the Egyptians that she and Abram were husband and wife? vv 15, 16
12. Abram was now without the wife that was chosen to be the mother of the great nation that God was creating, though it was not of the Table of nations. This was the people, through which the LORD would bring the promised Seed that would pay for the sins of all mankind. It looked on the surface like Satan had defeated Gods plan, for you can be sure that this whole situation had been manipulated by Satan to come against God. On the other hand, this situation had also been a test by God to see whether Abram would trust God, or rely on his own thinking. Can God’s plan be thwarted by man or Satan? Isaiah 46:9-11
Isaiah 14:24
Proverbs 19:21
13. Abram and Sarai had put themselves in an impossible situation, because they had trusted in their own thinking and not turned for wisdom to the LORD. But God’s will for their lives would not be thwarted. How did the LORD deliver Abram and Sarai from this dilemma and protect his promise? v 17
14. In order to keep Pharaoh from committing adultery, though unwittingly, God intervened. Then God made it clear to Pharaoh that bringing Sarai into his house was the cause for the plagues. What did Pharaoh do to rectify the situation? vv 18a, 19b, 20
15. What did Pharaoh say to Abram which rebuked him for his behavior? vv18, 19a
16. Because Abram was a follower of the Most High God, his behavior affected his own testimony to show others who God is, and also how others perceived the God that he worshipped. Our actions as Christians are noted by those around us. Use the following verses to explain the importance of our behavior being Christ-like, rather than causing dishonor to our Savior: Psalm 101:2, 3
I Samuel 18: 14, 15, 30
I Thessalonians 2:10-12
I Timothy 3:1-3, 7
Titus 2:2-5
Titus 2:6-8
Titus 2:9, 10
17. What is the reason that we as Christians want to be careful to guard our behavior? Titus 2:5b
18. Define blasphemed.
19. What should our goal as Christians be? Titus 2:10b; II Thessalonians 1:12