Adult Bible Study: Bible Women Lesson 26

Adult Bible Study: Bible Women Lesson 26


Learn: Proverbs 1:10

My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not. 

Read: Genesis 39:1-23

1.In Genesis 37, we learned that Joseph, the first son of Jacob and Rachel was sold by his brothers into slavery. Where did Joseph end up? To whom was he sold? v 1

2. How did things go for Joseph when he became a slave in the house of Potiphar?  vv 2-6a

3. The success of Joseph and the prosperity of his master Potiphar was due to the fact that _______  ____________  ________  __________  ________________.   v 2  

4. Joseph’s master Potiphar had a wife, why did she become interested in Joseph? vv 6b, 7a

 5. What temptation did Potiphar’s wife place before Joseph?  v 7b 

6. Joseph refused to commit adultery with Potiphar’s wife. in his refusal he said nothing to offend Potiphar’s wife. What 3 reasons did he give to her for his refusal?   vv 8-9

7. Use Proverbs 15:3 to explain what Joseph was telling Potiphar’s wife about God’s knowledge of such an action on his part, even though no one of the household might ever know?

8. Was Potiphar’s wife satisfied with Joseph’s refusal and explanation?   v 10

9. What did Potiphar’s wife finally do to try to get her way with Joseph?  vv 11-12a

10. What did Joseph do when Potiphar’s wife tried to force him to commit adultery with her?  v 12b

11. Joseph would have known the character of Potiphar’s wife, and the danger that upsetting her could bring to him, yet he chose rather to make her angry than to sin against God. How did Joseph’s flight from the situation show wisdom concerning his spiritual well-being?  Proverbs 29:25

12. What steps did Potiphar’s wife take to get even with Joseph for his refusal of her advances? vv 13-15, vv 16-18    

13. The men of the house surely knew both the honest, loyal, and godly character of Joseph, as well as the character of Potiphar’s wife. Use v 14 to explain what technique did Potiphar’s wife used to get the men of the house to sympathize with her and support her lie?   v 14

14. Aside from accusing Joseph to her husband, what 2 points about Joseph did Potiphar’s wife use to get her husband to accept the accusation she made against Joseph? v 17

NOTE: It is interesting to note that in her accusations to both the men of the house and to her husband, Potiphar’s wife pointedly called Joseph and Hebrew, for even in that time in Egypt the Hebrews ( though at this time the designation encompassed more than just the family of Jacob/Israel) were a despised people.

15. Verse 19 tells us that when he heard his wife’s accusations Potiphar’s wrath was kindled, however we are not told whether it was kindled against Joseph or against the situation his wife had caused. In such a situation Potiphar could very well have had Joseph put to death for at this time in Egypt, adultery was subject to severe penalties. How was Joseph punished due to the slander of Potiphar’s wife? v 20

16. Joseph had honored the LORD through all the temptations of Potiphar’s wife, and yet he ended up in prison, even though he was innocent. How did the LORD reward Joseph for his perseverance to doing what was right?  vv 21-23

17. Proverbs has a lot to say about the dangers of the adulterous woman. What is the first protection we need to avoid the adulterous woman or man? Proverbs 2:2-5Proverbs 2:6, Proverbs 2:10, 11, 12, 16      

18. What was the truth about Potiphar’s wife and anyone who is like her?                                                                                                 Proverbs 5:3-5: Her words sound ___________________to the ear, but in reality they lead to  _____________________.  

Proverbs 6:24: 26b, Anyone who tempts someone to adultery is an _______________person. 

Proverbs 6:25They will use their ____________  ______________ and their ________________to tempt a person to sin. 

Proverbs 6:26bThe reality is that the adulterer is ___________________in search of the ________________ life.

Proverbs 7:10b: 15-18, An adulterer is _________________.

Proverbs 7:11, An adulterer is not _________________ with their own house.  

Proverbs 7:12, And adulterer is out in the streets ________________ a _____________ for those who pass by.

Proverbs 7: 15-18   The adulterer uses promises of _____________________to ______________ those who are not wise.

 Proverbs 7:19     The adulterer promises that those who participate will not be ________________.

19. What steps should we take to avoid falling into the trap of adultery?  Proverbs 5:8;  Proverbs 6:20-23  

20. What does adultery do? Proverbs 6:32, 33

21. What lesson can be taken from the account of Joseph and Potiphar’s wife?