Adult Bible Study: Exodus Lesson 8

Adult Bible Study: Exodus Lesson 8


LEARN: II Timothy 4:2-5

Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine.

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;

And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.

READ:Exodus 4:18-31

1. Moses had a direct commission from the LORD to deliver his people, yet he returned  to Jethro and asked permission to go. What can we learn from Moses by observing his behavior?  I Corinthians 4:2; Romans 12:10 

2. How soon after God spoke to Moses did he seek permission to go to Egypt? v 18

3. Looking back to the previous chapter, what information did Moses not share with Jethro in regards to his reason for returning to Egypt? Exodus 3:7-10

4. Use the following verses to give reasons why it is often wise not to share all the information we have.

 Galatians 1:16, 17

Ecclesiastes 3:7

Proverbs 29:11

Who was Moses specially commanded to speak to by God? Exodus 3:16, 18

5. Did Moses immediately return to Egypt after meeting with the LORD?
Exodus 4:19                

6. Even though Moses planned to obey God, he must have had some fear about going. What was God’s reassurance to him?  v 19

What encouragement does this give each of us about God’s character?

7. What and who did Moses take with him when he returned to Egypt? v 20

8. What was particular about the rod that Moses took? vv 17, 20

9. We also are sent out to do God’s work. What is the particular tool without which we  are unable to accomplish anything? Use scripture to back your answer.

10. What did the LORD say would be the result of the wonders that Moses would do  before Aaron?  v 21c, Why? v 21b

11. On the surface it would seem that Pharaoh had no choice in the matter, for God would  force him to resist God. Use the following scripture to understand whether Pharaoh had any choice in the matter or not. Exodus 7:14, 22; 8:15, 19, 32; 9:7, 34, 35; 13:15; 4:21; 7:3; 9:12 etc.

12. After viewing all of the above scripture, what is evident?

13. How does Paul’s use of this example in Romans 9:14-18 direct our understanding of God’s dealings with men?

14. Is the knowledge that the Word will or may be rejected a reason for keeping it back, whether in the case of Moses, or of Ezekiel, or of ourselves?

Ezekiel 2:5

II Timothy 4:1-5

15. According to verse 22, how does the LORD regard Israel?

16. Did Israel earn or deserve this designation by God? Deuteronomy 7:6-9

17. Who else has the Lord set such a love upon? I John 2:28-3:3

18. What is the LORD’S warning against not acknowledging rightly the position of  the nation of Israel? v 23     See also Genesis 12:1-3

19. What happened to Moses as he traveled with his family on the way to Egypt? v 24

20. What was the cause of the LORD’S judgment upon Moses? v 26 

21. Why was Moses’ failure to circumcise his son serious enough to the LORD to cause him to kill Moses?  Genesis 17:7-14

22. What was at least part, if not all, of the reason that Moses had chosen to disobey God  in this  matter?    vv 25,26

“Let men beware, then, of the neglect of little duties, the allowance in themselves of ‘little sins,’ by over-compliance to a wife, a friend, a companion. Many a man would have stood firm, but for such seductive influence. A man who is truly manly will resist it, and risk the loss of human affection, secure in divine approval.” Bishop Butler  -PULPIT COMMENTARY- Genesis Exodus- p 111 

23. What did Moses and we also, need to learn?  Proverbs 29:25; Luke 12:4, 5; Hebrews 10:31 

24. After this incident in which Moses nearly lost his life, what wise change was made by 

Moses? Exodus 18:1, 2

25. Moses no longer had the companionship of his family, but what better provision did  the LORD make for Moses in order for him to accomplish the task that the LORD had set before him?    vv 27, 28

26. Where did Aaron meet Moses?  v 27

27. Use the following verses to explain why this place is called “the Mount of God.”

Exodus 3:1, 2

Exodus 3:12

Exodus 17:5, 6 (Also see I Corinthians 10:4)

Deuteronomy 4:15

Exodus 24:1, 9, 10, 16

Exodus 31:12-18

I Kings 19:1-9

28. What did Moses and Aaron do together? v 29

29. How did the people of Israel receive the LORD’S message when it was delivered by Moses and Aaron? v 31