Hebrews Lesson 20
Learn: I John 4: 9, 10
9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.
Read: Hebrews 9:1-28
- What was contained in the first covenant? v 1
- What were the specific items of that the first covenant that were contained in the first part? v 2
- One of the items, the candlestick, also is called the Menorah. It plays a prominent part in an important celebration of the Jewish people of Jesus’ day up until now, though it is not one of the feasts prescribed by God for the nation of Israel to keep. According to John 10:22, what is that feast called?
- What is that feast called today?
- Be able to give a brief history of how the feast named in John 10:22 came to be celebrated.
- As Jesus participated in the Feast of Lights, what did he declare? John 8:12
- In John 9:5-7, Jesus again declared that he was the Light of the world. Immediately after which he healed a blind man. How does John 9 account illustrate John 8:12?
- Jesus, of course, used the giving of the light of sight to the blind man to point him and those around to the fact that they were in ______________________ darkness and needed Jesus to give them_______________________ sight. See John 9:35-41.
- Use John 12:46, along with the lesson of the Feast of Lights, to explain how the Menorah is meant to point to people to Jesus.
- The other item in the first part of the tabernacle was the shewbread. Use Exodus 25:23-24 to give a brief description this is item. What was the table used for? Leviticus 24: 5, 6
- According to what Jesus said in John 6:33, 35, what did the bread on the table of shewbread point to?
- What does verse 6 tell us concerning the first part of the tabernacle?
- How was the first part of the tabernacle separated from the second part? v 3
- What was the second part of the tabernacle called? v 3
- The altar of incense stood directly in front of the second veil, but it was used behind the veil on the Day of Atonement as the High Priest took the burning incense into the Holy of holies. Why? Leviticus 16:12, 13
- What items were found within the second veil? vv 4, 5 NOTE: The Ark of the Covenant has been missing since the days of Hezekiah. At that time the only one of the three items mentioned in Hebrews 9:4 still contained within the Ark were the tables of the covenant, The 10 Commandments. What part of the Ark was of central importance? v 5 What took place at the Mercy Seat? Leviticus 16:2, 6, 9, 14-17; Hebrews 9:7
- The Greek word for “mercy seat” that translates the Hebrew word used in the Old Testament is translated in the English New testament with the word “propitiation.” What is the meaning of the word “propitiation?
- Find Scripture in the New Testament that uses the word “propitiation.”
- We understand that “propitiation,” whether as illustrated in the Day of Atonement, a once a year sacrifice for the sins of the nation of Israel, or that complete and final “propitiation” on our behalf by Jesus Christ, was for _________ ___________ ___________ ______ __________ _______________ _______________. I John 2:2
- So God’s mercy (propitiation) is available to everyone, but only those who __________________ _____ _________ _____________ will be __________________. John 3:16, 17 In other words, those who believe in Jesus, and his perfect sacrifice to pay the penalty of their sin ___________ ________________ ___________________ ______________________________. Hebrews 9:12
- What is the danger in using a substitute word rather than the word “propitiation” in order to give supposed ease of understanding to modern man as most modern translations do?
- How were the cherubim placed, and what was the meaning of this placement? v 5, Exodus 25:18-22; Revelation 4:6-8; Leviticus 16:12, 13
SPEAKING OF THE MINISTRY OF THE TABERNACLE: - What do we learn about the access into God’s presence? vv 6-8
- What do we learn about the ability of the sacrifice to affect a person’s conscience? v 9
- What do we learn about the permanency of the activities of the tabernacle? v 10
- What do we learn about the purpose of the activities of the tabernacle? v 10