Adult Bible Study: Hebrews Lesson 6

Adult Bible Study: Hebrews Lesson 6

Hebrews Lesson 6

Learn: Hebrews 2:14, 15

14 Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil;

15 And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.

Read: Hebrews 2:1-18


1. Especially review verse 10-12 , which we studied last lesson. From verse 11 we are reminded that not only are all men the creation of God, owing their lives to him, but according to Acts 17:26, we are all “one” in another sense. What is it?

2. The point in emphasizing this “oneness” is to make sure that we understand that Jesus is ____________ and ______________ as we are.  John 1:13, 14

3. Speaking again of our sanctification which is declared in verse 11, we see that it is based upon 3 things. What are they? 

——–1. The reason: From verse 10 is

——–2. It is our relationship to______________ from verse11, Romans 5:14.

——–3. It is based on the revelation of ___________ _____________ from verse 12, 13, There are three Scriptures quoted in these verses: Psalm 22:22; Isaiah 8:17; Isaiah 8:18 

4. Verse 12 is quoting Psalm 22:22, who is speaking?  

Psalm 22 Title

Whose name is being declared and praised?  See verse 9

5. The “church” was had not been established when this Psalm was written. It was established after Jesus came to earth, died for our sins, resurrected from the dead, returned to heaven, and sent the Holy Spirit to indwell his people. So in Old Testament times (Psalm 22:22) the name of Christ was declared in the ___________________rather than in the church as it was at the time when the Hebrews received this letter.

6. According to Isaiah 8:17, which is quoted in verse 13, how does Isaiah, as well as the author of Hebrews, show his trust in the Lord?

7. Who are the specific “brethren” that this book is written to and that are spoken of as needing to hear the declaration of the praise of Jesus the Messiah?  Isaiah 8:17, 18

8. Hebrews 2:5-18 discuses the reason why Jesus died.

We see that Reason #1 was to substitute himself for us (vv 5-9)

Reason #2 was to sanctify us into the family of God (vv 10-13)  

What is Reason #3 for which Jesus died that is found in verses 14-16?


9. How did Jesus our Savior accomplish the task of setting us free?  

Jesus set us free by___________________________________________________________________________________                  

v14a; Philippians 2:5-8


Jesus set us free through his___________________________________________________________________________

v14c; Colossians 2:13, 14


Jesus set us free

by___________________________________________________________________________________v 15


Jesus set us free based on his decision _____________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________________________________ v 16


10. Looking back at verse 15, what is the fear that keeps people always in bondage?


11. We are reminded that fear causes___________________. I John 4:18


12. If we struggle with fear of death in our lives, what is the reason?  I John 4:18


13. If we are struggling with resting in the love of God for us, what can we do?                                                                                  

Focus in the fact that____________________________________________________  I John 4:9


Realize that God’s love for us depends______________________________________________________ I John 4: 10 

Understand that God showed us his love toward us by_________________________________________   

_____________________________________________________I John 4:10 


Remember that because of his love for us, God has given us     _______________________________________________________________I John 5:1; Galatians 4:5 

Focus on the promise for our future that _________________________________________________II Corinthians 5:6-8

Believe God’s word for he______________________________________________________________ Psalm 38:2     


Firmly trust in the character of God. He is _________________________________________________ Hebrews 6:18  

14. We can see by these Scriptures and there are many others that on our part, whether we live a life of fear or peace and rest in the love of our God depends not on our circumstances, but on? 

15. Who does verse 17 tell us was not the object of the salvation that Jesus offered? 

16. All angels were created by God (Job 38:4-7). The angels also had a choice whether they would serve God for which they were created or they could rebel against him( Genesis 6:2; II Peter 2:4; Ezekiel 28:14. 15) as Adam did. When the Godhead made plans to redeem their creation from the curse of sin and death, who was not included in that redemption? v 16

17. What is the outcome for ALL of the angels that rebelled against God?  II Peter 2:4; Matthew 25:41

18. Instead of leaving mankind to the same fate as those angels that rebelled, under the justified wrath of God, Jesus did something amazing for us, what? v 16

19. How closely did the life of Jesus on earth resemble the life of every other human being that has ever lived?  v 17a

20. The aim of all that Jesus did here on earth was to _____________ _______________________  _______  ________  ____________  _____  _________ _____________________. v 17c

NOTE: The word ”reconciliation” is the Greek word used for the “mercy seat” in the Holy of Holies-the solid gold lid of the Ark of the Covenant. It is translated elsewhere ”propitiation.” 

21. What do we learn concerning our propitiation according to I John 2:1, 2?

22. What does propitiation refer to according to I John 4:10?

NOTE: When the High Priest went into the Holy of Holies once a year on the Day of Atonement-Yom Kipper and placed the blood on the Mercy Seat, the sins of the entire nation were “propitiated”’ This does not mean every person was saved, for each person must still individually follow the Lord as God had ordained. The blood of the goat was a picture of the wrath of GOD being satisfied, but redemption only applies to true believers. The death of the Messiah fully satisfied the righteous demands of God’s law.   David Hocking from the MESSIAH OF ISRAEL  p 68

23. What position does Jesus now hold on our behalf? v 17b

24. How is this position of Jesus implemented our behalf? 

1- Romans 8:34; Hebrews 7:24-25; ; I John 2:1, 2

2- I Corinthians 10:13

3- II Corinthians 1:3-7

4- Hebrews 4:14-16 

25. We is Jesus able to be such a MERCIFUL and FAITHFUL High Priest for us?  Hebrews 4:15