Adult Bible Study: Exodus Lesson 20

Adult Bible Study: Exodus Lesson 20


LEARN: Ezekiel 33:11

11 Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?

READ: Exodus 12:28-51

1. Did this final blow against Pharaoh and his people come without warning? Exodus 4:21-23

2. It is God’s character to warn, often many times before he brings judgment. What is the reason for this?  

-Psalm 86:15

Ezekiel 33:11

-II Peter 3:9

3. Find at least two other examples in Scripture where the LORD warned many times before he finally brought the judgment that he had warned of.

4. Because the LORD often allows a large elapse of time before the judgment that he has warned of actually comes, does that mean that judgment will never come?

-Romans 2:3-6

-II Peter 3:10

5. And so judgment of death finally came to all Egypt, because though they knew the power of God, and what God required of them, they refused to obey. Instead, they continued to worship their false gods and resist the truth that was evident all around them. What happened just as God had warned? Exodus 12:29

6. Because this plague affected every family in Egypt, everyone rose up in the night “with a great cry.” Who was the cry not against?  Exodus 11:7

7. Along with the cry of mourning for their loss by the Egyptians, what else was the “cry” for?  vv31b, 33a

8. What surprising request did Pharaoh make as he urged Moses and Aaron to take the people out of the land? v 32b

9. Why were the Egyptians so anxious to see the Hebrews leave quickly? v 33b

10. Going back to Exodus 11: 4-6, we see God’s gracious warning to Pharaoh and his  leaders of what would happen when they failed to obey his command. There was always the opportunity to repent. We see also that the LORD told before the time exactly what the response of the Egyptians would be after the plague. This is prophecy! We see that “prophecy” is much more than just God telling us what will happen in the end times. But God uses foretelling of events, (100% accurate and very specific) throughout Scripture. Find Scripture that explains why God tells men before it happens of events that will come to pass in the future. Note–There is more than one reason.

11. What specific thing did the children of Israel carry with them as they left? v 34

NOTE: They probably regarded dough as more convenient for a journey than flour, and so made their flour into dough before starting; but they had no time to add leaven.- Kneading-troughs would be a necessity in the desert, and, if like those of modern Arabs, which are merely small wooden bowls, would be light and portable. They were probably carried, as the Arabs still carry them today bound up in their clothes (i.e., in an ample shawl upon their shoulders.) PULPIT COMMENTARY,  Genesis-Exodus p. 285

12. Remembering that “borrowed” is better translated as “asked for,” what is recorded for us in verses 35, 36?

13. We see also that what occurred in vv 35, 36 had been announced before hand by God starting back in Exodus 3:22. Again we are reminded that?

14. How does seeing all this prophecy and its fulfillment concerning the Israelites leaving Egypt help modern day Christians?

15. What is a reason that many Christians have trouble trusting the LORD? 

16. How many Israelites left Egypt? v 37

NOTE: By “men” it is meant males above 20 years of age. The entire body of Israelites is thus raised from over half a million to over two millions. We are probably to suppose the main body with Moses and Aaron to have started from Rameses (Tanis), while others, obeying orders previously received, started from all parts of Goshen, and converged upon Succoth, which was the first rendezvous. The extremely open character of the country, and the firmness of the soil at that time of the year, would facilitate the journey. There was no marching along roads, which indeed did not exist. Each company could spread itself out at its pleasure, and go its own pace. All knew where to converge, and there was no obstacle to hinder them. It was a fine climate and they could bivouac in the open air. PULPIT COMMENTARY   Genesis Exodus   p 288

16. As you read the above note, what is a thrilling thing that we are reminded of about God?

17. Who went along with the children of Israel as they left Egypt?  v 38

18. How long had the children of Israel been in Egypt?  v 40

19. What had been prophesied to Abraham by God concerning the stay of Israel way back in Genesis 15:13, 14

20. What reminder is given in verse 42?

21. What further instruction is given concerning the eating of the Passover meal in verses 43, 44, 48, 49?

22. We have a modern day phenomena of people wanting to experience many cultural traditions besides their own, therefore you find people who are not Jewish participating in the Passover Seder. Might this be a problem according to what the LORD specifies in these verses? Why or why not? 

23. What is one thing that we can be sure of concerning the LORD and the commands that he gives?  Give Scripture to back your answer.