Adult Bible Study: Exodus Lesson 19

Adult Bible Study: Exodus Lesson 19


LEARN: Romans 5:8-10

But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.

10 For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.

READ: Exodus 12:1-36

Questions will start with verse 14

1.Instructions had been given by the LORD for protection of the Israelites from a final  plague that he would bring upon Egypt. What further instructions did the Lord give concerning this special day? v 14

2. This command was given to the Jewish people way back in the year 1491 BC. We are now at the year 2013 AD. How long through that time period did the Jewish people continue to keep the feast of the Passover that the LORD had commanded them?

3. Many Jews are not Orthodox, they may be secular or even follow another religion. Yet they continue to keep the Passover, even though, in many cases, it has brought them great danger to do so. What does this reveal about them and about the LORD?

4. What other celebration did the LORD command at the same time to be associated with the Passover Feast?  v 15a

5. List four aspects concerning how was the celebration to be kept? vv 15a, 16a

6. Use the following Scriptures to explain the meaning of leaven as used in Scripture.

-Matthew 16:6-12

-I Corinthians 5:6-8

-Galatians 5:7-9

7. Considering the above Scriptures concerning leaven, explain why it was not to be present when the people were celebrating the Feast of Passover. 

8. The passage of I Corinthians 5:6-8 speaks of “leaven leavening the whole lump.” How does the discussion concerning leaven speak to believers in Christ who are Gentile and do not follow the law that was given to the Jewish people?  Also see Romans 6:15-18. 

9. How was a holy convocation carried out? v 16b

10. What was the purpose of a holy convocation? Leviticus 23:8

11. What was the consequence to any one who refused to follow God’s stipulation and ate leavened bread during the seven day period? v 15

12. Why did the LORD command them to observe this feast of unleavened bread? v 17

13. When is the exact date on which they were to celebrate the feast of unleavened bread? v 18

14. What extension of the command concerning unleavened bread is made in verse 19?

15. What does this extension show concerning any Gentile that wanted to be part of the Jewish people?  See Exodus 20:10, 23:12 for additional references to Gentiles joining with the Jews.

16. What extension is made to the command concerning not eating of leaven in verse 20?

17. How did Moses make the will of the LORD known to the whole nation of Israel, as it was of extreme importance that each person be notified of the coming plague? v 21

18. What instructions were given as to the exact method of applying the blood and the duration of time it was necessary to abide under its protection? v 22 

19. The hyssop was regarded as having purifying qualities. How is it used in the following  passages? Leviticus 14:3-7, 51, 52  

20. How available was the hyssop as every household of all of Israel would need to use it?  I Kings 4:33     

21. According to verse 23, who was it that brought the destruction that killed the firstborn?

22. What was the only protection available to keep the destruction from a family? v 23

23. How does this protection from death for the Israelites point ahead to God’s provision for any person to be saved from eternal death?   Find Scripture to verify your explanation.

24. For what amount of time were the Jewish people to observe this ordinance of Passover? v 24

25. What specifics are given as to passing the ordinance from generation to generation? vv 25- 27a

26. How did the people signify that they would obey God’s command? v 27b

27. Verse 28 tells us that the people did as they had been commanded and as they had agreed to do. what is the reason that a person will obey God?

28. What is then the reason for disobedience to God’s commands? Find Scripture that corresponds to your answer.