Adult Bible Study: Exodus Lesson 7

Adult Bible Study: Exodus Lesson 7


LEARN: Psam 19:1-3

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.

Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.

There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.

READ: Exodus 4:1-17

1. Remember from the previous chapter God’s assurance to Moses that Israel would worship Him on that very mountain where God is speaking to him, and that Israel would leave Egypt in victory. In spite of God’s assurance, what is Moses’ reply to the LORD?  v 1

NOTE: It is good to remember at this point that the children of Israel had had no appearance of the LORD for over four hundred years, and Moses had left Egypt forty years before. They had no reason to trust or believe Moses.

2. What was the first miracle that the LORD gave Moses to prove his authority from God to  the people? vv 2-4

3. A snake-charmer will usually take up his serpents by the neck, that they may not bite him. How was Moses asked to show his trust in the LORD? v 4 

4. According to the LORD, what was the purpose of this sign? v 5

5. What was the second miracle that the LORD gave to Moses? vv 6, 7

NOTE: While the first miracle was a sign of supernatural power- a credential, the second was a warning and a lesson. Because of the horror of leprosy, each man would naturally fear to resist or disobey someone that showed the power to become leprous and then just as quickly be clean of it.   PULPIT COMMENTARY   -EXODUS  p 86

6. In verse 8, what does the LORD say of the signs that He has given?

7. What can we learn from the following verses concerning everything that we see around us? Psalm 19:1-3, Job 12:7-9

8. Neither the heavens nor the animals nor any of creation speaks to us audibly, so how is their voice heard by man?


9. That “voice” that is spoken of in these verses is called general revelation. Everyone in the world through all the ages has heard it. What does general revelation tell mankind?

 Romans 1:19-20

10. Since everyone has general revelation pointing them to the Creator God, what is the reason that He is not sought after and worshipped by all people? Romans 1:20-23

11. What is the choice that people are making when they reject the general revelation of Himself that God has given?  Romans 1:18b, What will that rejection of God’s truth result in? Romans 1:18a

12. What was the third sign that the LORD gave Moses? vv 9

NOTE: Of the three signs given, the first would probably convince those who were attuned to God, or fair-minded. The second, acting upon peoples fears, would move all but the desperately wicked, who despised Jehovah and put their trust in the gods of Egyptians. The third sign was for these last, who would regard the Nile as a great divinity, and would see in the conversion of the Nile water into blood a significant indication that the God who had commissioned Moses was greater than any Egyptian one.  PULPIT COMMENTARY  -EXODUS  p 86

13. After all the signs that God showed him, as well as the LORD’S promise, Moses is not willing to go. How does he answer the LORD? v 10

14. How did the LORD answer this excuse of Moses? vv 11, 12

15. Finally, we see the whole problem with Moses’ excuses. What was it? v 13

16. What is shown to us about the LORD in verse 14a?

17. The LORD shows His displeasure with Moses, yet He also shows grace to Moses. Who did the LORD provide, and what would their relationship be? v 14

18. We know that pride is a common fault, and that the LORD hates the proud but gives grace to the humble. But there is a humility that is not right, a self-distrust which the scripture condemns. Use Colossians 2:18-23 to explain. Especially note verses 18a, c, 23. 

19. What service would Aaron provide? vv 15a, 16a

 20. Though Aaron was to hold the position of spokesperson, who would give Aaron the  direction on what to speak? vv 15b, 16b 

21. In spite of the fact that Moses was unwilling to do as God wished, the LORD turned the whole situation into a consolation for Moses, by providing him with a constant companion to help bear the heavy load of leading the nation of Israel. Use  Ephesians 4:7-16 to explain how the LORD wants all those who are His to work together and meet the needs of each person in the local fellowship? Especially note verse 7, 8, 12, 13

22. Use I Corinthians 12:4-27 to list some gifts that the LORD has given to the body  and how each one is necessary in order for the body of Christ, the church, to function properly.

23. As the LORD finishes with His instruction for Moses, what is His final command?  v 17